Goodbye Silence, I’ve had Enough: A Disclaimer for Everything That Follows

Some of you may have noticed that I haven’t been writing much of anything here for quite some time. The primary reason is because I find it really hard to write when I’m angry, and I’ve been extremely angry for most of the last two years.

I’ve started to write posts numerous times, and each time, I would start out writing in my usual witty, charming style, and the more I wrote, the angrier I got (because of my predilection for writing about things I care about), and everything became nothing more than just a rant, and there is more than enough of that sort of thing floating around out there. In the end, I would just get disgusted with myself for writing stuff that would just add to the problem.

I’ve realized that part of the problem is the Facebook (and yes, I know how stupid that is). All too often, I find myself just looking for things to make me angry (amazing how well that works, isn’t it?). I’ve begun to think that I need to just jettison the Facebook because I don’t need all that negativity in my life. Of course, it’s not just the negativity that gets to me: much of the positivity gets to me too, especially when the same people who are posting memes seemingly designed to save my soul or bring me closer to God are also posting the most mind-numbing, hateful, and simply unAmerican propaganda.

Most of the time, I resist the urge to respond to that stuff, mainly because I know that the people who are posting that stuff don’t really even mean it. One of the problems with the Facebook is that it often causes me to feel, not even angry really, more just saddened, about people whom I genuinely like/love/admire. People who, in the way they actually live their lives, give the lie to the memes and sentiments they promulgate on social media.

It’s gotten so bad that I find myself waking up in the middle of the night, trying to think of ways to respond that would get my point across without seeming like an attack on them (and yes, I know that is ridiculous too. I’ve never claimed to be a rational person, and noone else has ever claimed that either. If you’re looking for the poster-child for mental and emotional stability and maturity, look elsewhere).

I hate feeling that way. Especially because I’m pretty sure that most of them are better human beings – and better Christians – than I am. At least I think they are.

I never thought I’d miss the days when the most annoying thing about the Facebook was the pictures of people’s dinners. Now, it’s kind of refreshing to see those.

I’ve always said that the only reason I’m on the Facebook is to promote my writing. Obviously, that has just become a justification for my own stupidity (plus, I really love all those puppy videos), so I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to either A) close my Facebook account or, B) start writing something so I’ll have something to promote.

Since I also use the Facebook to keep in touch with friends and family, I’m going to try option B.

I don’t know that what I’m going to be writing is going to be all that funny – although I hope to get back to that. I know that many of you (even those of you who I’m closest to) aren’t going to like a lot of the stuff that I’ll write, and that’s okay. If our friendship isn’t strong enough to survive it, it was never much of a friendship to begin with.

Keep in mind that what I’m going to be writing is largely just going to be my opinion. I’ll try to include links to any material I use as a reference. Also keep in mind that I’m not really trying to convince you of anything – if the Facebook has taught me anything, it’s taught me that that is a fruitless effort – you’ll either agree with me or disagree with me, there’s little or no chance of either of us changing our minds.

I’m going to be writing this stuff just to get it off my chest, and to maybe give you something to think about. I’m not trying to start an argument. Feel free to not read it, you won’t hurt my feelings. If you do read it, remember, I’m not trying to hurt your feelings either.

2 thoughts on “Goodbye Silence, I’ve had Enough: A Disclaimer for Everything That Follows

  1. Thank God. Those of us who like the hell out of you for being YOU would like nothing more than to have authentic Lloyd, even if it’s angry or uncomfortable or something we won’t 100% agree on. (Does anyone really agree with anyone fully, anyway? What’s the fun in perfect agreement?). Write.

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